Working with symptoms.
Symptoms in the desktop are ordered by name.
In the tree structure, there are corresponding remedies under every symptom.

The remedies are ordered by grade in descending order and by name in ascending order or by name, depending on the current settings.
The key to succesful presription lies not only in selection of the symptoms, but also in optimal settings of their weights.
The more important the symptom the higher weight it should receive.
When you decide to change the weight of the symptom "Throat, pain, night" to 25, click the "Modify weight" button and type the value in.

Grouping symptoms.
Grouping of the symptoms is an important tool for working with the symptoms. It allows creation of so called superrubrics,
which contain the remedies from all the similar or almost identical symptoms we decide to involve.

For instance, we can group all symptoms involving raw pain in the throat. These symptoms are involved 4 times, which is quite a lot
taking into account their lower importance in the case. Merging them into one symptom helps to avoid distorting the case because
of overrating certain group of symptoms. (the other solution is lowering the weights of the symptoms)
We select the symptoms to be grouped and click "Group symptoms" button.

As you can see in the picture, Mercurius marks the grouped symptom by special icon.
Filtering symptoms.
If we have a key symptom in our case, we can apply a positive filter on it.
Positive filter means that only those remedies, present in a symptom with positive filter, will be taken into evaluation.

Negative filter works in a similar way, with the difference that remedies under the negative filter will not be taken into the evaluation.
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