Complete Repertory 2008 by Roger van Zandvoort

This is repertory from Roger van Zandvoort, released September 2007.
The latest repertory is Complete Repertory 2010.

The structure remains similar to previous Complete Repertory 2005, but with many additions (see table below) from old and new sources. The list of new sources present in Complete Repertory 2008 can be found here.

The full list of the sources included can be found here.

Repertory Kent ++ CR 4.5 CR 2005 CR 2008 Synthesis 9.1
Number of symptoms with remedies 64 230 125 583 158 475 167 474 139 714
Number of remedies 624 1 536 1 846 1 948 2 373
Number of remedies that occur in at least 100 symptoms 362 587 942 1025 unknown
Number of remedies that occur in at least 1000 symptoms 157 229 361 404 unknown
Number of remedy occurences 503 145 932 636 1 546 403 1 748 259 1 066 987
Grade 1 338 879 720 027 1 078 098 1 201 335 816 612
Grade 2 129 362 171 064 ** 23 159 ** 51 180 201 295
Grade 3 34 904 41 107 303 956 339 545 48 610
Grade 4 0 438 141 190 156 199 470
Number of additions clinically verified (grade 2 + 3 + 4) 164 266 212 609 285 739 468 305 250 375
Clinically verified, % of total 32,65% 22,80% 30,28% 31,28% 23,47%
Number of references and cross-references 0 52 066 131 993 186 507 28 744
Average number of remedies per symptom 7,83 7,43 9,75 10,44 7,64
Compensated repertory model Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Unfortunately, the Boennighausen-style Repertorium Universale has been abandoned. For this, the author, Roger van Zandvoort, provides the following explanation:

After working on the R.U. (Repertorium Universale) structure for quite some years and seeing that most people do not understand it, or for various reasons do not want to work with it, it was time to go back to the more Kentian version of my work: Complete Repertory.

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