Supported Materia Medicae
Some quick facts about the included Materia Medicae:
- contains more than 100 volumes of Materia Medicae
- more than 100 000 pages of spellchecked and corrected text
- almost 1300 remedies
- fast searching engine
The volumes are divided into four MM Packs (Materia Medicae Packs). Materia Medica pack
with higher number contains all the volumes of previous MM Pack i.e. MM Pack 3 also contains
all books from MM Pack 2.
Additional MM packs include books by
For a list of volumes in each MM Pack, click here.
Author |
Source |
MM |
The American Homoeopathic Review (all volumes) |
A |
Allen, Henry Clarke |
Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica |
2 |
Allen, Henry Clarke |
Materia Medica of Some Important Nosodes |
3 |
Allen, Timothy F. |
A Primer of Materia Medica for Practitioners of Homeopathy |
2 |
Allen, Timothy F. |
Handbook of Materia Medica |
3 |
Allen, Timothy F. |
The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica |
2 |
Anshutz, Edward Pollock |
New, Old and Forgotten Remedies |
2 |
Arndt, Rudolph |
First Lessons in the Symptomatology of Leading Homeopathic Remedies |
3 |
Bell, James |
The Homeopathic Therapeutics of Diarrhoea |
3 |
Berridge, Edward William |
Proving of Medorrhinum |
2 |
Blackwood, A. L. |
A Manual of Materia Medica Therapeutics and Pharmacology |
4 |
Blackwood, Alexander L. |
The Food Tract |
3 |
Boericke, William |
Homeopathic Materia Medica |
1 |
Boericke, William & Dewey W. |
The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler [Materia Medica] |
1 |
Boericke, William & Dewey W. |
The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler [Therapeutics and Clinical Cases] |
1 |
Boger, Cyrus Maxwell |
A Proving of Samarskite |
4 |
Boger, Cyrus Maxwell |
A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica |
1 |
Boger, Cyrus Maxwell |
Boenninghausens Characteristics |
3 |
Buck, Henry |
The Outlines of Materia Medica |
3 |
Burnett, James C. |
Cures with common table salt |
3 |
Burt, William |
Characteristic Materia Medica |
4 |
Burt, William |
Physiological Materia Medica |
4 |
Case, Erastus E. |
A Proving of Magnetis polus australis |
4 |
Case, Erastus E. |
Experience with Kali Phos (Proving) |
4 |
Case, Erastus E. |
Some Clinical Experiences of Erastus Case |
4 |
Choudhuri, N. M. |
A study on materia medica |
4 |
Clarke, Gladstone A. |
Decachords |
3 |
Clarke, John Henry |
A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica |
2 |
Clarke, John Henry |
Gunpowder as a War Remedy |
4 |
Cleveland, Charles Luther |
Salient Materia Medica and Therapeutics |
4 |
Cowperthwaite, Allen Corson |
A Textbook of Materia Medica |
3 |
Dewey, Willis |
Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics |
4 |
Douglass, Melford Eugene |
Pearls in Homoeopathy |
4 |
Dunham, Carroll |
Lectures on Materia Medica |
3 |
Farrington, Ernest |
Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica |
4 |
Fraser, Peter |
The Homoeopathic Proving of Peacock Feather |
3 |
Gallavardin, Jean Pierre |
Materia Medica of the Psychic Medicines |
4 |
Gallavardin, Jean Pierre |
Plastic Medicine Homoeopathic Treatment |
4 |
Gentry, William D. |
The Rubrical and Regional Textbook of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica of Urine and Urinary Organs |
4 |
Gilchrist J.G. |
The Homeopathic Treatment of Surgical Diseases |
4 |
Guernsey, Henry N. |
Keynotes to the Materia Medica |
2 |
Guernsey, William |
The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Haemorrhoids |
4 |
Hahnemann, Samuel |
Chronic Diseases |
4 |
Hahnemann, Samuel |
Materia Medica Pura |
2 |
Hale, Edwin Moses |
Special Symptomatology of the New Remedies |
4 |
Hansen, Oscar |
A Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of Rare Homeopathic Remedies |
4 |
Hawkes, William John |
Characteristic Indications of Prominent Remedies |
1 |
Hering, Constantine |
The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica |
2 |
Hughes, Richard |
Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy |
4 |
Kent, James Tyler |
Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica |
1 |
Kent, James Tyler |
New Remedies |
3 |
Lilienthal, S. |
Homeopathic Therapeutics |
4 |
Lippe, Adolph |
Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms of Materia Medica |
2 |
Lippe, Adolph |
Keynotes Of The Homoeopathic Materia Medica |
3 |
Nash, Eugene Beauharnais |
Clinical Cases |
2 |
Nash, Eugene Beauharnais |
Regional Leaders |
4 |
Norland, Misha |
The Homeopathic Proving of AIDS |
3 |
Norland, Misha |
The Homeopathic Proving of Cleavers or Goosegrass (Galium Aparine) |
3 |
Norland, Misha |
The Homeopathic Proving of Falco Peregrinus Disciplinatus |
3 |
Norland, Misha |
The Homeopathic Proving of Knopper Oak Galls |
3 |
Norland, Misha |
The Homeopathic Proving of LSD-25 D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide |
3 |
Norland, Misha |
The Homeopathic Proving of Positronium |
3 |
Norland, Misha |
The Homeopathic Proving of Reindeer Moss (Cladonia Rangiferina ) |
3 |
Norland, Misha |
The Homoeopathic Proving of Buckyballs |
3 |
Norland, Misha |
The Homoeopathic Proving of Kauri Agathis Australis |
3 |
Norland, Misha |
The Homoeopathic Proving of Latex Vulcani (prepared from a latex condom) |
3 |
Norland, Misha |
The Homoeopathic Proving of LAVA |
3 |
Norland, Misha & Brachi, Andi & Hill, Jenny |
The Homoeopathic Proving of North Wales Slate |
3 |
Paterson, John |
The Bowel Nosodes |
4 |
Phatak, Shankar Raghunath |
Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines |
2 |
Roberts, Herbert Alfred |
The Rheumatic Remedies |
4 |
Rowe, Todd |
A Proving of Carnegia Gigantea |
4 |
Rowe, Todd |
A proving of Crested Prickle Poppy (Argemone pleiacantha) |
4 |
Rowe, Todd |
A Proving of Salsola tragus - Tumbleweed |
4 |
Rowe, Todd |
A proving of Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) |
4 |
Rowe, Todd |
A Proving of Turquoise |
4 |
Rowe, Todd |
Alligator mississippiensis - A proving of American Alligator |
4 |
Rowe, Todd |
Geococcyx californianus - A proving of Roadrunner |
4 |
Rowe, Todd |
Heloderma Suspectum - A proving of Gila Monster |
4 |
Rowe, Todd |
Larrea tridentata - A proving of the Creosote bush |
4 |
Rowe, Todd |
Urolophus Halleri - A Proving of Round Stingray |
4 |
Rowles, Joie |
A Proving of Sialia Currucoides (Mountain Bluebird) |
4 |
Smits, Tinus |
Practical Materia Medica for the Consulting Room |
1 |
Snowdon, Janet |
The Homoeopathic Proving of Heroin |
3 |
Snowdon, Janet |
The proving of a medicine prepared from the bark of a tree by the Sangomas of South Africa using a method known as Ubulawo |
3 |
Stirling, Penny |
The Homeopathic Proving of Bewick's Swan |
3 |
Stirling, Penny |
The Homoeopathic Proving of Crack Willow - Salix Fragilis |
3 |
Tyler, Margaret Lucy |
Drosera |
3 |
Yingling, William |
The Accoucheurs Emergency Manual |
4 |
Many homeopathic programs feature hundreds of homeopathic texts, that occupy vast amount of space and that should contain vital information. The word “should” is correctly placed in the previous sentence.
Mercurius features more than 100 volumes of Materia Medicae, but the informational value contained in these 100 volumes of Materia Medicae by far surpasses the informational value of hundreds of assorted homeopathic texts. How is this possible ?
First, we include Materia Medicae only, that is where the main value lies, not other homeopathic texts. We also assign the text belonging to each remedy to UNIQUE remedy table, so it is very easy to find the information relevant to every remedy.
Next, Mercurius is the only homeopathic software that features corrected and edited Materia Medicae.
During the process of integrating the Materia Medicae into the Mercurius, we became aware, that although the information contained in Materia Medicae is an excellent source of material, it contains a lot of errors.
The reason for this is simple. Most of the Materia Medicae were written almost 100 years ago. None of the authors used such simple tools as are available today (computers, word processors, automatic spellchecking etc.). Although these tools are already available to us, Materia Medicae were never subjected to the basic correction and editing process. Until now.
We have undertaken a huge task of correcting all the material contained in Materia Medicae, to make sure, that all the errors are corrected and that the Materia Medicae are presented in the best way possible.
Here is a simple example that shows the major improvement of all Materia Medicae texts.
For this example we have performed a search in the text of the Materia Medicae by:
J. H. Clarke, J.T. Kent and W.Boericke before and after the corrections.
Word |
Original text |
Corrected text |
Increase |
Odorless |
7 |
46 |
657% |
Dimsightedness |
1 |
6 |
600% |
Shortsight |
3 |
15 |
500% |
Torticollis |
4 |
10 |
250% |
Waterbrash |
53 |
90 |
170% |
Parturition |
39 |
58 |
149% |
Menses |
584 |
737 |
126% |
Albumin |
195 |
245 |
126% |
Trachea |
232 |
248 |
107% |
Ozena |
0 |
91 |
As you can see, the number of relevant hits has increased in the corrected text significantly.
Keynote 1 - Corrections
Every Materia Medica was spellchecked to assure that all the mistakes were eliminated. Every Materia Medica has contained a lot of typos, incorrect word forms and archaisms that are no longer used. We have corrected these errors and the language of all Materia Medicae was hugely improved.
Constantine Hering uses in some cases word unpainful to indicate that the symptom was painless.
We have changed the word unpainful to painless.
Now every time that the user searches the word painless, the results will contain even the symptoms
that would not be displayed before this correction.
Some of the authors used word Aezena instead of the word Oezena.
We have corrected it and all the occurences of the words Aezena and Oezena were replaced with the word Ozena.
Some authors used different words to describe the meaning Menses. Commonly used words were: Menstruation and Catamenia. We have united all of these words into one word “menses”.
Keynote 2 - Unification of language
Some of authors use British English and some of authors use US English. All the terms from British English were changed to the words from US English to ensure the unification of the language of Materia Medicae.
Example: British English uses word “colour” and the US English uses for the same meaning word “color”. In original texts, the user would have to search for the word “color” and for the word “colour” to get complete results. This would be of course very difficult and would take too much time. We have changed all British English word forms into US English words forms and the search for word “color” returns complete results.
Keynote 3 - Archaisms
More than 6 000 words (in more than 75 000 places) were updated in all Materia Medicae, from their incorrect forms into modern language.
Authors of the older Materia Medicae used a lot of archaic terms, including the medical terms. Since these terms are no longer used, we have updated all archaisms and old medical terms.
Nearly all the authors used the words like haemorrhage, haematoma, oedema etc. We have changed these words to hemorrhage, hematoma, edema, since the archaic type of these words are no longer used and modern repertories use modern medical terms.
Keynote 4 - Synonyms
The greatest problem in a search is the existence of synonyms. If the user searches the word, he should not be forced to keep in mind all possible synonyms and language forms.
Therefore, we have unified the words with the same meanings to assure that the user always finds the same thing.
Synonyms were unified to assure that all the relevant symptoms are displayed during every search. If the synonyms would not be unified, the user could search for example for the word dullness and the search results would display 500 remedies containing this word. However, the user would not have found the other 650 remedies containing the word dulness (single "l") and he/she would see less than a half of the real search results.
Words dullness and dulness were unified into the word dullness.
Words gray and grey were unified into the word grey.
J. H. Clarke and C.Hering use abbrevations such as <, >, = to indicate the aggravation, amelioration and the causation of the symptoms. We have changed these shortcuts to their original meaning.
Keynote 5 - Remedy names
In the process of correcting Materia Medicae texts we have discovered a major problem in all Materia Medicae. Some remedies in Materia Medicae are currently known under different names than in the past. We have updated all remedy names to correspond with the remedy names used in the modern repertories.
Remedy known as “KINO” is currently known under its correct botanical name as “Angophora Lanceolata”. We have updated the name of this remedy and of all the other remedies.
Keynote 6 - Remedy substances
We have closely inspected all information in Materia Medicae, and we have discovered a critical problem.
Not many people are aware, that some remedies are in fact different than it is usually supposed.
The problem is that from the times of Hahnemann, it was supposed that certain remedies produce the same symptoms and therefore they should be considered
to be identical. Modern homeopathy however distinguishes these “identical” remedies, because they are now known to produce different symptoms.
We have undertaken a huge task in identifying these remedies and separating information into different remedies. This way we have corrected more than 107 Materia Medica records belonging to 35 remedy types.
In the Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke, the symptoms of Aconitine are merged with the symptoms of Morson’s English Aconitine. After a long study of old texts, we have realized, that Morson’s English Aconitine was prepared from the Aconitum Ferox. We have separated information belonging to Aconitum Ferox from Aconitine.
Some authors merged Bufo Rana symptoms with Bufo Sahytiensis.
It was impossible to separate the information of these two remedies
and therefore the whole text of Bufo Rana from certain authors is listed under the Bufo Sahytiensis remedy, so that the user has a equal chance of finding both remedies.
Keynote 7 - Split words
One of the problems in Materia Medica texts was the existence of so-called split words. Some older forms of words involving a combination of two words were written with a dash. The word “waterbrash” was written sometimes as “water brash” or as “water-brash”. We have developed an intelligent algorithm InteliMergeTM
that identified such words, and if necessary, merged them, to provide the user with even greater chance of finding all relevant words. This way we have corrected more than 2000 words in more than 14 000 places.
Keynote 8 - IntegrationMateria Medica Browser is fully integrated in the Mercurius repertorization process. This means the user is able to create new symptoms based on the search results.
If the user finds out, for example, that the repertory does not contain the disease “Mumps”, he can search through the Materia Medica Browser. The search through Materia Medicae returns 68 Mumps-specific remedies.
All the functions of Materia Medica Browser are interlinked with the operation of Mercurius.
If the user double-clicks a remedy in the Mercurius, Materia Medica Browser instantly displays all relevant Materia Medicae for this remedy.